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Minutes, May 9, 2007
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, May 9, 2007

A regular meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, May 9, 2007 at 7:00 p.m. in room 314 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Chairman Stan Franzeen, Vice Chair Jeff Bellin, Christine Michelini, Rachel Hunt, and Nancy Sachetti.  Also present was Frank Taormina, Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Members Absent:  Dan Shuman, David Pelletier, Jerome Judge

Public in Attendance:

Chairman Franzeen called the meeting to order at 7:13 p.m.

1.  Approval of Minutes

N. Sachetti made a motion to approve the minutes from the April 11, 2007 meeting.  C. Michelini seconded the motion. No discussion ensued and the motion passed unanimously with R. Hunt abstaining.

2.  Public Comment

No public comment was made.

3.  MAPC Bike Parking Program

Discussion of bike map.  F. Taormina stated that the mapping exceeded the budget of $10,621 and that the planning board wanted the committee to provide reasons for why there should be that number of racks in those locations.

Chairman Franzeen asked if we could just cut down the amount of racks or whether we should do another walk.  Discussed ensued.

S Franzeen asked for clarification on the deadline for spending the money. F. Taormina clarified that we needed to have approval, purchase, and installment finished in order to submit receipts by December 1st.

Vice Chairman Bellin suggested that we could cut the number of bike hitches in half because the group thought that there was more money.

N Sachetti suggested that if we cut the bike hitches in half and we save $4,500, we would still need to reduce the number of vintage racks.  Vice Chairman Bellin agreed that we could cut the number of vintage racks in half.  Discussion ensued.

N. Sachetti made a motion that the groups conduct a site inspection and evaluation with the goal of reducing the cost by $6,430.

C Michelini seconded the motion.

The motion passed unanimously.

It was suggested that the number of bike hitches by reduced by half and the number of vintage racks be reduced by 10 to reach the budgeted amount.

Vice Chairman Bellin suggested that the group make a game plan about where and how to cut.  F. Taormina suggested that he had a few suggestions.  On the driving section of Essex St., we went overboard.  In front of Red’s and Starbucks we went overboard.  

S Franzeen suggested that we really target where the 40 would be cut.

Chairman Franzeen suggested that we go to the next item.

4.  Green Line Bike Trail

J Bellin said that people, including Willows business owners, were very excited about the possibility.  D Pelletier being absent, the issue was tabled until the June meeting.

5. Old/New Business

F. Taormina stated that we had been offered a discount on BigBelly Solar Powered Trash Compactors because the City of Salem has already purchased others.  

Chairman Franzeen directed the conversation to clarify that the group has $19,000 left and cited the prices of BigBellys (2 for $8,168), benches, (less than $899) and kiosks (KMC3P $858 + $85).  Installation would be an additional charge ($3,000 for all).

R. Hunt made a motion that we authorize F. Taormina to purchase the following:  3 four-foot green benches, 2 BigBellys, 2 green KMC3P kiosks, and one picnic table (composite).

N Sachetti seconded the motion.

The motion passed unanimously.

F Taormina will discuss with Salem State plans to develop a seating area in the middle of the bike path near the Forest River estuary/salt marsh.

F. Taormina updated the committee on the letter send to the Town of Marblehead Light Commission and stated that Bob Jolly the General Manager will attend our June meeting

Vice Chairman Bellin reported that he would like to have a bike education/safety seminar.  


There being no further business to come before the Committee this evening a motion was made by Vice Chairman Bellin to adjourn the meeting, seconded by N. Sachetti and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by:

Rachel Hunt, Clerk
Salem Bike Path Committee